Rails 6 carrierwave production settings for digitalocean spaces with a custom subdomain

May 08, 2020



I recently worked on both Active Storage and CarrierWave to store user uploaded files and decided to use CW on my site. (Maybe i will tell why i choose CW over Active Storage in a different article)

I'm using digitalocean spaces since it is basicly cheaper when you don't need a huge storage size. I also want to use custom subdomain for my stored files so i don't end up messy urls for my file urls. I don't know why but messy urls look dirty to me. Like developer doesn't even care. What a shame.... Coulnd't find a good example for carrierwave settings to use in digitalocean spaces and wanted to share this info myself. I assume you are installed carrierwave before hand.


  • Create your digitalocean space.
  • Create a subdomain and attach SSL to it within Digitalocean form. It can be done with couple of clicks.

CDN subdomain

  • Go to API panel and create a key. Store your key info somewhere safe.
  • Give folder permissons for your domain.


  • Install necessary gems to use carrierwave with digitalocean.
gem "fog-aws" # storage for AWS S3 digitalocean
  • Go to your uploader.rb file, in my case it is app/uploaders/image_uploader.rb.
# storage :file. Change this to `fog`
  storage :fog
  • This is the config/initializers/carrierwave.rb file. This file configures carrierwave to use digitalocean spaces for your website in production.
CarrierWave.configure do |config|
    config.fog_credentials = {
        provider:                 'AWS',                                              # required
        aws_access_key_id:        'your-key-id',                                      # required unless using use_iam_profile
        aws_secret_access_key:    'your-secret-key',                                  # required unless using use_iam_profile
        region:                   'fra1',                                             # optional, default are different from aws.
        host:                     'fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com',                      # optional, defaults to nil
        endpoint:                 'https://fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com' 
    config.fog_directory  = 'nameofyourspacesfolder'                                  # required
    config.asset_host     = "https://sub.domain.com"
    config.fog_attributes = { cache_control: "public, max-age=#{365.days.to_i}" }     # optional, defaults to {}

config.asset_host is doing the custom domain job here. Also be careful about region here. It is different from aws defaults.

That should do it.

Best Regards,


Documented and written by

Tuna Gümüş @tcgms

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